2022 North Jersey Auto Show

The October 30, 2022 show ran from 10 am to 3 pm in fine weather, at a nice quiet location by the end of Third Street in Cresskill. “Trunk or Treat” for kids ran from 12 to 2. We will repeat the Trunk or Treat theme on October 8.

Show Sponsors Were:

2020-2022 Trivia Contest Sponsors

In addition to the usual cars from the 1920s to 2023, we saw motorcycles, trucks, hot rods, and custom and emergency vehicles. We had trivia contests and music throughout.

The North Jersey Auto Show Trunk or Treat Edition is presented by the Restored Rusty Relics Antique Automobile Club and the American Legion Camp Merritt Post 21, which provided the 50/50 (giving $260 to one lucky winner) and was on hand to provide information about their post. We expect to work together in 2023, too.

We had three sponsors. Teterboro Auto Mall (Jeep, Ram, Dodge, Chrysler) brought a Grand Wagoneer—the luxurious new Jeep with a six-figure price tag that challenges Cadillac and Lincoln—and the unique, iconic Wrangler. They were occupied for most of the day showing both cars.

Doyle’s Auto and 4x4 was to bring their Willys monster truck, but the trailer failed when they tried to load it; so they brought their 1924 Dodge Brothers touring car, which might have attracted even more attention. Doyle’s is on Main Street in New Milford, not too far from Cresskill; they fix ordinary cars as well as 4x4s.

Finally, our newest sponsor, Ed Estupinan (Farmers Insurance), had two agents who spent much of the show talking insurance and handing out bags of candy to the kids. We caught them during a spare moment late in the show.

Car show enthusiasts had just one food vendor in the morning, but around noon two more food trucks rolled up; one offered coffee and baked goods, while the other provided full Japanese meals or side dishes. The first vendor set up an outdoor grille and smoker, providing BBQ chicken or pork with a hot-dog option. (Their tent is in the far right, below; you can see the smoke.) For 2023, we are working out a more satisfactory food-truck arrangement.

The first sign of the show, other than the actual sign, was Andrew Pardo’s truck—which was not just a decoration, hauling in some of the materials we needed. The four tents and a great deal of the gear also arrived in Pete Doll’s minivan, and left in Ed Garfield’s pickup.

The show committee consisted of Jacques Senise, chair; and Barry Doll, Peter Doll, and Dave Ivaldi. David Zatz was the club president. This is Dave Ivaldi giving out a trophy...

... and Pete returning to the tent; he did the trivia contest and announcements through the show, between music provided by professional DJ Steve Calandra.

Pete at the mic, next to Steve; Tom Lang, who handled all computer duties, including managing the judging forms, second from right; Dave I., far right; Barry Doll, far left.

Let’s take a look at the show and its cars before moving on to the award winners:

Cresskill car show


Trophies were given to the following cars in the following classes:

Below, Tom collating the judges’  sometimes unreadable forms.

“Trunk or Treat” Show Sponsors

2020-2022 Trivia Contest Sponsors

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